
AG Theater Rämibühl freely adapted from "Lord of the Flies"

A chalet in the mountains, a surprise party, a group of privileged Zurich teenagers and a snowstorm complete with avalanche and a cut-off path down to the valley... These are the ingredients for the ultimate disaster story.

In 1954, Nobel Prize winner William Golding wrote his bestseller "Lord of the Flies". In it, a group of children survive a plane crash and from then on have to find their way on a small South Sea island. The collapse of the civilized order of the adults leads to a massacre. "Lord of the Flies" is an evergreen, a story that can be rediscovered in countless variations on Netflix, in Hollywood or on the theater stages of this world. Who doesn't enjoy listening to a nerve-wracking story of decline and impending catastrophe? That's what the AG Theater Rämibühl and Neumarkt thought. Exactly 70 years after its publication, they have taken on the classic and asked whether and how the story of the loss of civilization could happen here in beautiful Switzerland. The result is "Valbella", the ultimate Zurich-style disaster story. 

The AG Theater Rämibühl is just a seven-minute walk from Neumarkt. Founded in 1972, the ensemble consisting of students from the Rämibühl grammar school has become an institution among youth theaters. It could also be described as a boot camp for Zurich's young theater talent. Stefan Bachmann, the designated director of the Burgtheater Vienna, the duo Ursus & Nadeschkin and the playwright Katja Brunner all began their careers there. Now the young ensemble is performing on the Neumarkt stage for the first time.

With Alireza Bayram, Noah Bernheim, Theodor Davidoff, Dean Federer, Cora Nanut, Nela Piwonska, Philine Oldenhage, Nour Rüttimann, Daria Semenova, Leslie Siegenthaler, Fyn Stähelin, Mindra Theisohn, Angelo Turchi, Lisa Waltenspül, Seth Weller Caballero

Direction and concept Joachim Aeschlimann, Sabina Aeschlimann, Daniel Riniker
Director Joachim Aeschlimann, Daniel Riniker
Choreography Tomer Zirkilevech
Equipment Mikki Levy-Strasser
Music Michael Schertenleib
Dramaturgy Eneas Nikolai Prawdzic 
Director's assistant Lou Eberhardt, Lee Fischer

Premiere 05. April 2024, Saal 

May 2024








