Mimikry: Exomoon

An immersive space experience  

We are flying into space. The international art and science collective SEADS takes you on a sensory journey to alien solar systems. We set off for an unknown space habitat, land on a moon orbiting an exo-planet, observe life there that speculative astro-science suggests is possible. 

Will we repeat everything there, where all signs point to a new beginning, just as we did on Earth? Let's ask ourselves the question: Who will we (have been) on this new planet? That changes the perspective? 

In this immersive space experience, visitors are sent on a journey full of sensual and informative impressions, they make encounters of a new kind, to finally create in one of many possible worlds, something unknown that makes us see even Selecta automata in a new way. 

Language: German / English
Duration: approx. 75 minutes



Yan Balistoy, Sofia Elena Borsani, Challenge Gumbodete, Melina Pyschny, SEADS und Expert:innen

Production Team

Künstlerisches Konzept und Leitung: SEADS (Space Ecologies Art and Design): Pieter Steyaert, Ulrike Kuchner, Mary Pedicini, Pim Tournaye, Jorge Guevara u.v.a. mit Jo Verwohlt, Signe Heinfelt, Mona Nasser, und dem Chameleon Network

Dramaturgie: Julia Reichert & Hayat Erdoğan

Kostüm: Hayat Erdoğan

Raum: Peter Meier

künstlerische Mitarbeit & Recherche: Olga Mrozek

Regieassistenz: Sophia Senn

Ausstattungsassistenz: Noé Wetter

Pim Tournaye

Mary Pedicini

Jorge Guevara

Pieter Steyaert

Ulrike Kuchner

Melina Pyschny

Yan Balistoy

Sofia Elena Borsani

Challenge Gumbodete

Hayat Erdoğan

Julia Reichert

Peter Meier

Sophia Senn

Noé Wetter