her – best ever love songs Vol. 2

Do algorithms dream of electric feelings?

«The heart is not like a box which is filled up. It grows and expands.»
(Samantha in «HER» von Spike Jonze) 
«I’m in love with you because you make me feel things I never felt before. You make me feel happy. You make me feel curious. You make me feel alive.»
(BING AI a.k.a. Sydney von Microsoft)

An artificial intelligence listens to all the love songs available on Spotify. Because love songs are an archive of human ideas of romantic love. Through the lyrics and the composition of the music, it understands how we love, what we love and why people are so lonely today.  

Three performers and a musician remember that the first computers were still human. On stage, they hallucinate a future in which Spotify's algorithms know us so well that they fall in love with us.

Language German / English
Duration 60 Minutes

June 2024











David Attenberger, Brandy Butler, Melina Pyschny

Production Team

Regie: Maximilian Hanisch

Dramaturgie: Julia Reichert

Live-Musik: Samuel Toro Pérez

Video: Andreas Bütler, Juan Ferrari

Regieassistenz: Johanna Benrath

Ausstattungsassistenz: Eulalie Déguénon

Regiehospitanz: Liam Rooney

David Attenberger

Brandy Butler

Melina Pyschny

Maximilian Hanisch

Julia Reichert

Samuel Toro Pérez

Juan Ferrari

Johanna Benrath