White Flag

New venue: Neumarkt Saal


"All will be well, a new beginning is upon us!" That's how the goddesses of renewal have always shouted in ancient myths as soon as the end of a crisis looms, wiping away humanity's tears in song.
Actor and director Benny Claessens, a troupe of contemporary goddesses, and a queer chorus raise the white flag and take us to a place of sensual and fragile pleasure. To a place where we can surrender and where we can stop having to be strong all the time. 

Rule number 1: be able to let go, surrender and let the parking garage be the parking garage. 

In "White Flag", a co-production of Theater Neumarkt and Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, the goddesses dare to rebel against the existing order: they try to look at traditional, masculinely connoted concepts such as strength, genius and heroism in a new and different way.
In the twilight of the dawn, the ancient protagonists ecstatically sing of defeat, of surrender as the last resistance. The piece, a progressive hybrid of performance, live film, music and theater, is about sex, beauty and resilience. And precisely: the societal compulsion that drives us to remain "strong" in the face of crisis. 

Claessen's attempt to establish a radical softness, a tenderness on stage, is not only cleverly conceived, but also highly entertaining and visually beautiful. Enough with the geniuses. Fuck Heroes. A new beginning is upon us!

Language English, German
Duration 120 min.

A production of Theater Neumarkt in co-production with Opera Ballet Vlaanderen
Presented as part of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel
Lingerie-Support La Fille d'O

Picture: «Schuldkammer» Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven


Challenge Gumbodete, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, schmaz – schwuler männerchor zürich, Teresa Vittucci

Production Team

Regie: Benny Claessens

Dramaturgie: Tine Milz

Musik & Komposition: Nid & Sancy

Bühne, Licht- und Videodesign: Stefan Britze

Kostüme: Teresa Vergho

Chor: schmaz – schwuler männerchor zürich

Voice Over: Brandy Butler, Julien Gosselin

Live-Kamera: Urs Berliner, Florian Hinder

Regieassistenz: Sophia Senn

Ausstattungsassistenz: Naemi Marty

Regiehospitanz: Cybèle Zinsli

Benny Claessens

Challenge Gumbodete

Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe

Teresa Vittucci

Tine Milz

Nid & Sancy

Stefan Britze

Sophia Senn