Neumarkt Gossips

Silvia Federici on Gossips, Witches, and Textiles

With «gossip» we usually associate clichéd chatter and gossiping women. It’s considered toxic, a «guilty pleasure,» and scandalous. But gossip hasn’t always had this negative connotation. The theorist Silvia Federici wrote about the origins of gossip in her book «Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women.» Together with Silvia Federici we will talk about gossip at the Anna Göldi Museum, the museum dedicated to the last woman executed for «witchcraft» in Europe.

Language: English
Location: Anna Göldi Museum, Fabrikstrasse 9, 8755 Ennenda

With Silvia Federici 
Moderation Tine Milz, Geraldine Tedder, Helen Thomas
A Collaboration between Women Writing Architecture, gta ZürichAnna Göldi Museum and Theater Neumarkt