E wie erinnern

postmigrantische Perspektiven in eigener deutscher Lyrik

Author Elona Beqiraj and author Fatbardh Kqiku share their poems and talk about life in the "diaspora." With their works "Und wir kamen jeden Sommer (And we came every summer)" (Beqiraj, 2019) as well as "Zwischen den Rissen (Between the cracks)" (Kqiku, 2021), Elona and Fatbardh show different worlds of experience of migrant people in the "diaspora" that are more than their "identity crises". From a queer and feminist perspective, they talk about topics such as war and flight, father figure(s), love and mourning, homosexuality in the Albanian context, and Othering in Germany.

Language: German

With Elona Beqiraj and Fatbardh Kqiku
Moderation: Merita Shabani (Babanews)

"E wie Erinnern" is a series in cooperation with not_your_bubble - a project of ZIID to bring remembrance cultural issues into focus.

In the context of Zürich liest