Vesna Stojanovic


Child or pet?

Are you for sale?
No, not. “Always remained consistent with my beliefs and principles. No matter how much it cost me.”

If you would have to choose: Love, play or fight?

What do you want to do when you’re old?
I would like to travel. I would like to continue to be a beekeeper. I would still like to learn new things.

Vesna Stojanovic (born 1969 in Surdulica, Serbia) is a nurse who lives in Nis, Serbia. Since 2019, Vesna is collaborating on the artistic project “What if the walls were more flexible?” (ongoing series) with the artist duo Stirnimann-Stojanovic, which includes her son Stefan Stojanovic. The collaboration started as an act of resistance and support – after Vesna lost her job due to political oppression and corruption.

The ongoing series “What if the walls were more flexible” being currently presented in the frame of the residency program of Theater Neumarkt was previously exhibited at: “Kunststipendium der Stadt Zürich”, Helmhaus, Zurich / Cantonale Bern-Jura, La Nef, Le Noirmont / Suluv Gallery in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Foto © Flavio Karrer