Tamara Alegre
Choreopgraphy, Performance & Kollaborateur*in
Tamara Alegre works with dance and choreography. Born in Gran Canaria, she studied European Business and Psychology but worked as an underground music curator until 2016. She started to dance with La Ribot in 2013, then Mårten Spångberg in 2016 and more recently she has danced for Nikima Jagudajev, Carlos María Romero and Ofelia Jarl Ortega. In 2018, she graduated from an MA in Choreography at DOCH in Stockholm where she initiated, together with three colleagues, POSSE, a weekly extra-scholarly dance and reading group. Her work revolves around sensual embodiments, fictions on sexuality and physical states as choreographic tools for alteration and reshaping. She premiered her first dance work, FIEBRE, at Les Urbaines festival, Lausanne, Switzerland last December. Parallel to the dance piece, there is a workshop in slime primarily addressed to female and non-binary teenagers touching upon themes such as sexuality, body positivism, inclusion and non-competitiveness. She currently practices and has a growing passion for Dancehall. Last year she co-hosted a Perreo workshop in Lausanne together with Nico Roses and Maldita Genitalia. Her new work NOS FUIMOS LEJOS (working title) will premiere March 2021. The combination of working as a dancer, making her own work and being involved in collaborative practices is essential for her.