Ein interaktiver szenischer Walk
An interactive scenic walk
Come with us to the forest! As it slowly dims, meet its myriad inhabitants and mysterious creatures. Discover the complex superorganism and its fascinating life of its own: hidden from human eyes and ears, trees communicate with each other and with other living things through the air and via an extensive fungal and root system. And if you look and listen very carefully, you may also hear the secret activity of the forest spirits. Immerse yourself in this magical atmosphere with all your senses and find out what the forest has to tell you.
in Cooperation with Waldlabor Zürich
Supported by Kanton Zürich, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Elisabeth Weber Stiftung
Sarah Brusis, Simon Brusis, Hanna Eichel, Mathias Hannus und Überraschungsgästen
Production Team
Direction and Text: Sarah Brusis, Mathias Hannus
Concept: Back to Wollyhood (Doreen Back, Sarah Brusis, Mathias Hannus)
Equipment: Doreen Back