morgen dann
Scenic reading with music
The scenic reading with music moves between above and below, between yesterday and tomorrow. Far above, the planets and Pluto circle. In the distance they see something coming towards them. A few astronauts have been sent from Earth in search of a new planet and are celebrated as pioneers. From their space capsule they see the sun rising again and again behind the earth, while further down capitalism rages and a few mushrooms try to save the world. The text questions power relations, positioning and utopia.
Language German
Melanie Durrer, Meret Feigenwinter, Max Hübner, Josef Mohamed, Laura Ritzenfeld, Edith Kaupp Rivadeneira, Aleksandra Sucur und Georg Weislein
Production Team
Text: Laura Ritzenfeld
Endregie: Melanie Durrer
Ausstattung: Noé Wetter