#BigDreams – Justice

There is no end to the case. For three years, the collective #BigDreams has accompanied the "most famous prisoner in Switzerland", Brian Keller, known to the media as Carlos. Since then, a lot has happened (among others, intervention of the UN, end of the 3 ½-year solitary confinement, supposed release, then further pre-trial detention after all) - Brian is still behind bars. No longer in solitary confinement, but still without a valid legal ruling, without perspective, with more and more - partly serious, partly absurd - accusations from all sides. 

The constitutional question of punishment and resocialization is now coming to a head over whether resistance to inhumane prison conditions is an offense that legitimizes further prison conditions. But where and how is this negotiated? 
And how can it even come to this in a constitutional state? 

The collective now takes the rule-of-law promise of a fair trial at its word and focuses on the fateful moment when a "regular" prison sentence turned into solitary confinement in violation of international law - a momentous confrontation in the summer of 2017, between prison inmate and staff - a moment that has neither been dealt with by the media nor by the law. 
And although not only the fate of a human being (Brian, who was imprisoned as a teenager, still faces custody) but also the credibility of the correctional system are at issue in this one, it has never been properly investigated until now. Different instances of criminal prosecution refused a so-called event reconstruction. 
With the support of experts, #BigDreams tries to reconstruct the incident on stage with artistic means and raises questions about the course of events and the legal aftermath: How does truth-finding work in law enforcement? Whose narrative finds its way in? Blue uniform, white vest, black skin. Who is believed?
#BigDreams is a diverse collective of artists, activists, and scholars who have been working on Brian's case in collaboration with Neumarkt for the past three years and formed specifically for this purpose.
With defense lawyers, criminologists and journalists.
From #BigDreams


Sabina Aeschlimann, Sebastian Aeschlimann, Jacqueline Daunois, Daniel Riniker, Eva Willenegger, Brian Keller

Sabina Aeschlimann

Sebastian Aeschlimann

Jacqueline Daunois

Daniel Riniker

Eva Willenegger

Brian Keller