Fake Facts!

The code words of anti-Semitic conspiracy myths and what lies behind them.

As the Corona virus spreads, so do conspiracy theories. These rarely emerge in a vacuum, but take up existing myths and "repackage" them. Many of these narratives contain anti-Semitic narratives. Dina Wyler explains why this is so and how these narratives express themselves, using concrete examples. 
She will then discuss with her guests Dirk Baier, head of the Institute for Crime Prevention at the ZHAW, and psychologist Susanne Schaaf, among other things, the extent to which political positioning plays a role and how to deal with relatives who are themselves addicted to such narratives.

The political scientist Dina Wyler has been intensively involved with discrimination and minority issues in Switzerland since her studies and was the managing director of the GRA Foundation against Racism and Anti-Semitism until April 2022. (GRA Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus)

Prof. Dr. Dirk Baier heads the Institute for Delinquency and Crime Prevention at the ZHAW. Among other things, he conducts research on juvenile delinquency and extremism and has investigated conspiracy mentalities in Switzerland in various survey studies.

Lic. Phil. Susanne Schaaf is the managing director of infoSekta, a specialist center for cult issues in Zurich, where she offers psychological counseling for those affected, family members and professionals. In the past year, the office has registered an increase in inquiries about family conflicts in connection with conspiracy beliefs.


This is a hybrid event, you can attend on-site or watch the talk via livestream in our media library.

Language: German
Price: pay what you can

in Collaboration with ZIID - Zürcher Institut für Interreligiösen Dialog