Stuff for the Shutdown
Digital vernissage with lyrics and electronic music from now for now
when certainties are lacking, literature is all the more important: stories and reflections — mental detours that make you forget that your daily routes only lead from the kitchen to the bathroom and back. the result is a booklet with texts by 30 authors. now they are read, spread over two evenings, by two actors and a musician. from the abandoned hall of the neumarkt — improvised live on
part 1: saturday 11 april 2020 — 9 pm
with patrick slanzi and sascha ö. soydan (reading) as well as nicolas balmer (sound)
part 2: saturday 18 april 2020 — 9 pm
with tobias bienz, sofia borsani, anna hofmann and jakob leo stark (lesung) as well as dadagolbal (sound)
live on
texts by: donat blum, simon borer, ivona brdjanovic, katja brunner, mariann bühler, lisa christ, daif, leon engler, romana ganzoni, jessica jurassica, julia haenni, david hunziker, seraina kobler, mirjam kohler, anaïs meier, simone meier, daniel mezger, fatima moumouni, chregi müller, simon muster, sascha rijkeboer, pablo rohner, werner rohner, michelle steinbeck, tabea steiner, miriam suter, ralph tharayil, julia toggenburger, daria wild
Patrick Slanzi, Sascha Ö. Soydan, Nicolas Balmer, Tobias Bienz, Sofia Borsani, Anna Hofmann, Jakob Leo Stark, Dadagolbal
Production Team
Idee und Umsetzung: Tobias Bienz, Seraina Kobler, Robert Meyer, Nikolai Prawdzic
Initiatoren «Stoff für den Shutdown Vol. I»: Daniel Kissling und Benjamin von Wyl
Gestaltung: David Lüthi & Mirko Leuenberger
Gäste: Rohit Jain, Franziska Schutzbach